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Russian market of marketing services under economic crisis (артикул: 02291 36575)

Дата выхода отчета: 22 Декабря 2008
География исследования: Россия
Период исследования: 2008
Количество страниц: 20
Язык отчета: Английский
Способ предоставления: электронный

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  • Полное описание отчета

    Main research objectives are:
    1. Economic activity estimation in terms of analysis of business processes occurring on the Russian market of marketing services under economic crisis.
    The research period is 2008.
    2. Revelation of development tendencies of the Russian marketing services market under economic crisis.

    The general trends and development forecasts of the Russian market of marketing services are considered over near-term outlook.
    Information sources:
    1. Statistical data of Federal State Statistic Service.
    2. Companies press releases, branch and expert estimations of mass-media.
    3. Own informational resource and extensive enterprises database of Information Agency «CredInform North-West ».

    General conclusions:
    The Russian market of marketing researches shows stable and confident growth. So, market capacity has increased in 4.3 times during 2002-2008. As for growth in 2008 it made 111.1% in comparison with 2007.
    In the near-term outlook the market expects growth owing to heightened interest display to it by the third party as foreign companies which suffer a consumer demand shortage for their goods; and some actions undertaken by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    Under crisis conditions at corporate level it is recommended not to save on marketing researches cost and as far as possible to refuse funds allotment practice by residual principle.

    The fact is that results of marketing researches allow making adequate tactical and strategic decisions especially during today's time which experts name the unpredictability period. It concerns to enterprises of various legal forms which occupy with any kind of business, as far as commodity-market strategies realization practice on basis of marketing researches allows participants for the purpose of expenses optimization possibility, increase in financial return and achievement of synergetic effect to use various tools, such as: systeming, reengineering, outsourcing, franchising, merge and absorption.

    Now there are a majority of research companies in Russia. Quantity of participants, who occupy with market condition researches, is over 28700 companies. In the given direction more than half of companies is concentrated in the Central federal district – 57%, then follow Northwest (14%), Privolzhskiy (9%), Sibirskiy (7%), Yuzhnyy (5%), Uralskiy (5%), Dalnevostochnyy (3%).

    In public opinion studying activity sector 450 companies are registered in Russia. And the Central district share makes about 46%, 54% share belongs to the rest companies.

    The most part of marketing researches is realized through electronic trading sites. Vigorous activity on realization of marketing products was developed also by new participants.

    The brief information on some companies of the Russian marketing services market is presented in the report as well. For more information on other participants see Branch Enterprises Databases and also Companies Directories.
    To check up reliability of any firm and to receive more detailed information on it everyone can directly in «CredInform North-West» or on-line at Agency website.
    Having problems with accounts receivable – Agency’s specialists have long-term experience to resolve them.

  • Подробное оглавление/содержание отчёта

    1. The Russian marketing services market under conditions of economic crisis
    1.1. Classification of marketing researches
    1.2. Capacity of the Russian marketing researches market
    1.3. Regional companies segmentation, electronic sites and participants-publishers of reviews in Russia

    2. Trends of economic crisis overcoming
    2.1. Problems of marketing services market in 2008 and their decision ways at macrolevel
    2.2. Possible strategies and toolkit at corporate level on economic crisis overcoming
    2.3. Expert estimations, forecast scenarios and offers on crisis overcoming

  • Перечень приложений

    1.1. Regional companies segmentation occupying with market condition research
    1.2. Regional companies segmentation occupying with public opinion studying activity
    1.3. TOP-5 of the largest Russian electronic trading sites detailed by quantity of soled researches
    1.4. General products characteristic of some companies presented on the RosBusinessConsulting (RBC) trading site as of 1 half of December, 2008
    1.5. Marketing reviews average prices of some companies-publishers on the RBC trading site

    1.1. Capacity of the Russian marketing researches market in 2002-2008 in cost value
    1.2. Positioning of some companies-publishers of marketing reviews on the RBC trading site detailed by quantity of reviews placed on sale
    1.3. Forecast capacity of the Russian marketing researches market in 2009-2012 in cost value

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